Learning Intention:We are learning to read and comprehend texts
Teacher Video:
Watch Mr Said read Louie and Snippy Save the Sea and talk about the author’s purpose
Task: go to your reading group to see your follow up activity
(Alex, Gloria, Julien, Marty)
Learning Intention:We are learning to publish our writing
Warm up: Wordshark 10 minute spelling warm up – compulsory
Teacher video: Watch and listen to Miss Mifsud explain your task.
You are to choose a creative way to publish your persuasive letter about looking after the oceans.
Make sure:
- To use copy your good copy of your persuasive letter to copy each sentence, word for word.
- To use the capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks and full stops when they are needed in your writing
- To use your best handwriting
- Lastly decorate your letter 🙂
Only these students to log onto the Google Meet at 11:30
Sienna Slarko Oscar Hurmez Archer Millen Yashmitha Nainappan
Learning Intention: We are learning to identify the chances/probability of something happening.
Warm up: Counter drop, Organise the counters dropped into equal groups.
Teacher Video
Teacher Video
Complete the task by circling the correct answer by looking at the picture and reading the question.
Open up this jamboard link and find your name.
Performing Art Thursday
Press this link to complete a Task
Choose from
Extra Resources and lessons and linked under the tab Resources
Specialist Lessons and links are under the tab Specialist Links