Today we will be completing (together) a fathers day card. Here is a template if you would like to print it off
Learning Intention: We are learning to read and answer literal questions from the text
Teacher Video:
Watch and listen to Miss Mifsud as she explains your task.
Task: go to your reading group to see your follow up activity
(Alex, Gloria, Julien, Marty)
Learning Intention: We are learning to read or listen to information and write down what we learn’t.
Warm up: Wordshark 10 minute spelling warm up – compulsory
Teacher video: Watch and listen to Miss Mifsud explain your task.
You are to choose one animal below and watch the video to learn some interesting facts about that particular animal.
Now from watching and listening to one particular animal, you are to write down facts you have learnt.
- Write the animal’s name at the top of your page.
- Write down at least five facts you have learnt about the particular animal you have chosen.
3. Make sure your sentences make sense, re-read them and check. Do your words
- Look right?
- Sound right?
- Make sense?
4. Then draw a detailed drawing of the animal you have chosen.
Only these students to log onto the Google Meet at 11:30
Sienna Slarko Oscar Hurmez Archer Millen Yashmitha Nainappan
Learning Intention: We are learning to identify the chances/probability of something happening.
Warm up: Locating numbers on a 120 chart, close eyes, drop counter, what is 1 more, 1 less and 2 more, 2 less. Continue this for 5 minutes see how many activities you can get.
Watch miss Scott explain what a spinner is and how you can create you own, watch out for flying pens!
- Make a spinner with a high chance of spinning blue and a very low chance of spinning yellow, Spin it 5 times and record your results
What did you notice?
- Make a spinner with an equal chance of spinning red and black
Spin it 5 times and record your results
What did you notice?
- Make a spinner with an impossible chance of spinning purple or orange.
- Make a spinner with an equal chance of spinning yellow, blue and red
Spin it 5 times and record your results
What did you notice?
Can you create a spinner that has 10 possibilities that shows red least likely, yellow most likely, blue and green as equal chances.
Performing Art Thursday
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