Learning Intention: We are learning to use a range of strategies to take words apart and understand what they mean.
What you need: syllable split boardgame, dice, counter (pasta, paper, stone)
Teacher video: watch Miss Scott reading the tricky turtle and modelling the chunking strategy. We use this to help us become good readers and solve words.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Task: go to your reading group to see your follow up activity
(Alex, Gloria, Julien, Marty)
Learning Intention: We are learning to follow instructions of a procedure.
What you need: 2x Squared Paper (all sides are the same)
Warm up: wordshark 10 minutes
(usernames and passcodes are in the blog under the table ‘word shark’)
Teacher video: Watch Miss Toro watch an instructional video on ‘how to make an Origami Dog.
- Now it is your turn to make an Origami Dog, you might want to watch and Listen to Miss Toro’s instructions through the video.
- Now that you have made your Origami Dog, lets make a 2nd Origami Dog.
- Decorate !
Learning Intention: We are learning about location.
What you need: 120 chart, counter
Warm up: Locating numbers on a 120 chart, close eyes, drop counter, what is 1 more, 1 less. Continue this for 5 minutes see how many activities you can get.
- Follow the instructions and represent how your counter has moved in your book
- Represent with arrows and labels.
- If you run out of room, you can complete the task again and adjust your spacing
1 jump left, two jumps down, 5 jumps right, 3 jumps up, 1 jump left, 7 jumps down, 2 jumps right, 4 jumps up, 1 jump left, 6 jumps down, 7 jumps right, 10 jumps up
Challenge: How could you represent your counter doing a quarter and half turn? Add it in at the end of your steps