Learning Intention: We are learning to read smoothly at a good rate.
Teacher video: Mr Said reading “The Broken Ladder” with a focus on fluency. Using punctuation, reading smoothly etc.
Task: go to your reading group to see your follow up activity
(Alex, Gloria, Julien, Marty)
Learning Intention: We are learning to write a procedure to inform our audience.
Warm up: wordshark 10 minutes
Teacher Video: Mr Said models how we can write procedures of other things that we do all the time (How to tie your shoelaces)
Can you think of something you’ve already done today that involved a procedure? example. making breakfast, washing your hands.
- Write a procedure including
- Title
- What you need
- Steps
- Draw pictures to match each step
- Colour in all of the verbs, the adjectives (action) words
Learning Intention: We are learning to state how many are in each group.
Warm up: Using a deck of cards, pick out 2 cards and represent that number by drawing them in bundles and singles.
Teacher video: Watch the following video of Miss Mifsud explaining your tasks.
You own the puppies in the worksheet below and you have 12 biscuits to feed them with.
- If you give each puppy two biscuits, how many puppies would you feed?
- Explain your thinking and reasoning to your answer.
- Can you do the task again using a different strategy?
Represent how can you show how to share the 12 biscuits through an array
- Giving 2 each
- Giving 3 each
- Giving 4 each
If you finish early, log back into the google meet.
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