Learning Intention: We are learning to read and use different sources of information in a text.
Teacher video: Watch Mr Said read about Flamingos
Thinglink Text
Task: go to your reading group to see your follow up activity
(Alex, Gloria, Julien, Marty)
Kai Cowley Log on at 10:20
Jonah Attard log on at 10:40
Learning Intention: We are learning to write an informative text
Warm up: Wordshark 10 minute spelling warm up – compulsory
Teacher Video: Watch Mr Said explore native Australian animals and why they are unique
Write the title: Unique Australian Animals
Use the sentence starters to write out your information page
In Australia we have …….
An animal I have seen is ……
They have ……………………… and …………………..
An interesting fact about them is …………………………………
An animal I would like to see is……………..
They are rare to see where I live because………………………
They live in ………..
And have……..
Here is a list of some other unique Australian Animals
- Tasmanian Devil
- Kookaburra
- Wombat
And many more. . .
Click on this link to read about these Australian animals
Gianna Choi log on at 11:30 please
ONLY these Students please log onto the Google
Meet 11:40
Malak Jahola Willow Kalwig Flynn Bellino
Learning Intention: We are learning to identify the number of rows and column on grids
Warm up:
Teacher Video: Watch this lesson and follow Miss Toros instructions for today’s lesson. Listen very carefully
A grid is being shown to you as a flash card or the number and you will need to represent this in your book, while watching the video.
Using this link might help you model
Then represent the grids into you book.
Visual Art Tuesday
Click this link to complete a Task
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