Week 3 Visual Arts Activities Year 1
As previously mentioned in my blog Mr Sheedy and myself are organising sketch books for each of the students to use during art sessions. Please encourage your son or daughter to use it and to draw, sketch or design any of the images they see or enjoy creating at home, inside, outside in the backyard at the local park etc. I look forward to seeing these pictures please share them with me via email or a google doc if you can.
As year 1 students are currently looking at food and family traditions for their inquiry unit, I thought it appropriate to link this into our visual arts sessions.
I would like students to represent their traditional family foods, favourite fruit or vegetable using resources and materials in an artistic way. Here are some examples listed below
Here is a suggestion shown above you will need a sheet of plain A4 piece of paper, coloured paints. You can either use your finger or a paint brush to show patterns on pineapple.
As with the activity above you will need a cut out of an apple to see whether you can find a stencil online, otherwise have a go at trying to draw it on your own with an adult assisting. You will also need water colours to complete this task. Here are a couple of examples please feel free to complete other fruits and vegetables using these techniques. Also at the end of the session please have a discussion with your child about what they just created. Ask them the steps they took to complete their food in question. What they liked?, disliked? Then have them sketch another food in their sketch book. Please remember to sign and date each picture entered in their sketch book.
The activity above is fruit and vegetable printing. This could be yet another method to represent their favourite fruit, vegetable or food.
Once again please feel free to share your children’s work with me via email or google docs. I look forward to seeing these creations very soon.
Check out this clip on Mr Maker making and creating an artistic meal using simple resources around the home.
*Please view and enter the Zart art competition your entry might just be the one that wins!