Week 3 Visual Arts Activities Year 2

As previously mentioned in my blog Mr Sheedy and myself are organising sketch books for each of the students to use during art sessions.  Please encourage your son or daughter to use it and to draw, sketch or design any of the images they see or enjoy creating at home, inside, outside in the backyard at the local park etc.  I look forward to seeing these pictures please share them with me via email or a google doc if you can.

As children are learning about families and stories from past and present for their inquiry topic, I thought it appropriate to link our visual  art program to the topic. So lets start creating year 2!

Have a discussion with your children about stories of older members of your family.  Your grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbours.  What is their migration story? When did they come to Australia? What is your family’s story?  Get children to sketch a picture in their sketch book first then try this activity on a piece of newspaper.  The effect of the newspaper will gve your picture an old type image and makes it look authentic. Please assist them with this activity and share it with me.  Once the session is finished please continue to have a conversation with your child.  What did they enjoy about the activity? What did they dislike?  What could they have done better or improve their activity.  Please get them to write responses and yet again share with me.


This is also a good opportunity to talk about the ANZAC story with your child.  This is an olden day story about our Australian heroes and their  individual stories, Now let’s hear about your family story.  The link above talks about ANZAC Ted and his story please view this with your child and have those discussions about your family from the past.  Once again please record your discussions and share your art pieces and family history with me.


Please enter the Zart art competition you just never know yopur entry might be the one that wins!
