Week 4 Visual Arts Activities Year 3

Recognising Habitats and animals that live in these habitats.  Making links with students inquiry topic environment/animals and habitats.

Before you commence this activity with your child ask questions such as:

 What is a habitat?

Which animals live in a habitat?

What types of different habitats do you know of?

Please record student responses.

For this activity you will need 4 pieces of large A4 sheet of paper.

Choose 4 different A4 size pieces of cardboard preferably different colours to distinguish different habitats.  Glue or sticky tape them together as shown in the illustration.

I have different habitats listed here.  You may choose and research any of these.








The clip below shows and tells us what a habitat is…. Please choose 4 of these and draw and create your very own habitat as shown above.

At the end of the session have a discussion with your child to find out their understanding.  Ask them,,,,  what they now know about a habitat?

Which animals live in what habitat?

What are your favourite habitats?

What have you learnt please record findings and share.

Let’s get creating Year 3!

I can’t wait to see all your amazing work!

Please remember to share on-line with me!!!


Don’t forget to enter the Zart Art Competition it ends the 7th May.  Check out the website below!
