Year 4 week 3 Visual Arts Activities

As previously mentioned in my blog Mr Sheedy and myself are organising sketch books for each of the students to use during art sessions.  Please encourage your son or daughter to use it and to draw, sketch or design any of the images they see or enjoy creating at home, inside, outside in the backyard at the local park etc.  I look forward to seeing these pictures please share them with me via email or a google doc if you can

As children are learning about the first fleet and Aboriginal history for their inquiry unit, I thought it would be appropriate for them to continue to learn, create and discover Australian history through Visual Art sessions.

To begin your art session at home have the discussion with your child to gather their understanding about what they already know about the topic.  Please record their responses and share them with me.

To begin the session we will focus on Aboriginal art.  Search through Aboriginal artists do some research with your child.  Explain that every art work has a story.  They are not just simply a series of dots but each dot and stroke tells the story of an Aboriginal elder their history and their journey,  

Now let’s have a go at firstly choosing an Aboriginal artist and having a go at trying to replicate one of their pieces.  Remember I want to hear the story behind the piece and would like you to record and share your findings with me please.

Here is an example of a piece I found you can also add your own touches to the piece  it does not have to be 

Here is yet another piece.  I can’t wait to see some of your creations please share.  You may also want to continue sketching other pieces in the sketch book provided.  Also remember to tell me the story behind the artwork, this is of great interest behind the inspiration behind the piece.

Check out the link above this may give you some ideas on how you can  create your own Aboriginal painting.  It also gives some insight about the history of Aboriginal Art and history.


*Please enter the Zart art competition you just never know your entry might be the one that wins!