Year 6 Week 6 Visual Art Activity

Parents, just a quick message to let you know that this activity will require parental supervision.  Also, please only use the resources you may already have at home.

How to make an Explosive Baking Soda Volcano

Learning Intention:  Students are expected to find out what the chemical reaction is between the baking soda and vinegar and why it helps the volcano to react?

Success criteria:  When students have an understanding that carbon dioxide gas is produced.  Pressure builds up inside the plastic bottle until the gas bubbles out of the volcano.  This is a good representation of what happens in real volcanoes.

We are learning and playing with simple kitchen science experiments.  Why Kitchen Science? because everything you need  is already in your kitchen cupboards.  There are so many cool experiments to do at home with everyday household items.  The experiment is sure to develop a love for not only  being creative in art, but also learning through science.  So enjoy, discover and above all BE CREATIVE!

Please remember to film, share and upload your work to me via Seesaw, email and/ot google doc.


The science behind the Volcano Experiment

Why does this happen?  The red lava is a result of a chemical reaction between the baking soda and vinegar.  In this reaction, the carbon dioxide gas is produced.  Pressure builds up inside the plastic bottle until the gas bubbles out of the volcano.  This is a good representation of what happens in real volcanoes.


6 cups of flour

2 cups of salt

4 tablespoons of cooking oil

2 tablespoons of baking soda dishwashing detergent

food colouring


warm water

old plastic soft drink bottle


  1. Combine the vinegar, water, dish soap and 2 drops of food coloring into the empty soft drink bottle.
  2. Use a spoon to mix the baking soda slurry until it is all a liquid.
  3. Eruption time! … Pour the baking soda slurry into the soda bottle quickly and step back!
Please click on the link below showing how to create your very own Baking Soda Volcano


Hello everyone, just a reminder aa with last term, Mrs Velardi would like to introduce her infamous sketchbook entries! Every week I will upload a video of a nature walk or a science experiment we are looking at.  May I add our school looks absolutely amazing and you are sure to be surprised on your return!  I will stop at a certain section of the school pause, give commentary and ask you to add to last terms sketchbook. Please share your entry with me through Seesaw, email and/or a google doc.

Bicarbonate soda and white vinegar experiment part 1

Bicarbonate soda and white vinegar part 2

Please remember to upload and share the experiment and pictures with me!

Contact Details:

Teresa Velardi (Art Teacher)